Words from the principal

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. " – Artistotle

Friends, we all can see, admit and accept that education system everywhere ison the verge of an about face due to COVID – 19 as well as the advancement of technology. Keeping their pace with it our young ones are also indulged in the process of evolution of new learning methodology, At this point you as parents and we as mentors need not only to support them but also to help them overcome the hindrances in achieving their life goals. Being the youngest country we can be proud of having more men power compared to other countries, but are we all ready to get benefit of it? if our students are not educated thoroughly and well-informed, we can fail to take maximum advantage despite having highest number of youngsters.

Here at S.S.Divine only good result or high scorecard is not the proof of our students' capability.We believe that each child has its own pace to learn.Hence they all are never be judged on the bases of their academic achievements only. We try to help our young ones to get education keeping our core values and culture intact.Parents, Let's hold our hands together to help our next generation to thrive and strive in their aspirations.

Thank You,
Kanjary Vaidya
Principal - S.S.Divine School